The Best Event I Participated


               Welcome to my blog. Today I am going to talk about the best event I ever had which is simply a Camping during my high school.

         I take part in this event by being a participant. This camp is held for 9 days. Is it challenging? Is it fun? How do it feel to join this event? Everything will be answered in this blog J.


               During our departure, we get in bus at 0500 . And in take about 6 hour to get to the campsite. Our starting is good until the bus got delayed because of something happen to the engine ( I will not explain it in detail ) . Then we waited outside the bus sweating like we just done 10KM marathon hahaha. After bus fixed, we proceed our adventure to the destination.


                Upon our arrival, we felt so tired. As soon as we get off from our bus, we knew everything is going to be bad. Because we see our camping instructor with a military’s outfit and shouting at us  “HURRY UP DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!” . We get off with our things and start to line up in front of our camping instructor, Mr.John . Then Mr.John straight away teach us how to make a tent with wood, knife, ropes and a mat-like plastic (I forgot what it’s called).


                 After 10, minutes we started to build our tent . and we complete it in about 2 hours. After building the tent, we go for lunch . It is very delicious Nasi Ayam . I like it very much! After that, we start our first activity, Water Rafting.

               We got split into 8 groups. And every team need to raft across a medium-current river. We make a challenge which is team who fall from the boat is a looser hahaha. Eventually, all team fallen several times. It’s a kind of shocking how strong the current was . There’s a lot of big rocks, tiny water fall and some tree’s roots across the river which make it challenging. Eventhough my team fall 3 times, we had a very good time as it is our first time rafting. I am going to repeat it again sometime haha.

                 For the next activity, we did Jungle Tracking . But it is not like ordinary jungle tracking. We got a map and then they leave everything to us to cross a jungle. They also give up big knives to cut trough the thick bush. During the start, everything is great for my team. Until one moment we lost the map because it fall into small river when we trying to cross it hahaha. Somehow we don’t panic and keep our adventure going. As what people said, it is not fun if it is not challenging. We continue to walk without direction, our 8litre water bottle ran out and we were thirsty. Luckily we bump in other team and we cross the jungle together. The instructor praise us for not panicking and keep positive. I guess that’s a good trait we should keep forever.


              For the last activity I want to share is Night Walk. Again we need to cross another jungle but this time with some guide. It is challenging from the start, some of us decided to wear a slippers and im one of them. I can guaranteed that’s the worst decision in our life. The jungle is super slippery and wet. We slipped a dozen time until our pant turn chocolate. However life need to go on. Then we go down from a huge steep. Oh but theres a rope to help us. It got to have some skill to go down without someone laughing at us. Thankfully none of us got the skill hahaha. Its very funny as everyone fumbled it.

               During our last night stay. We make a BBQ with sausages, lamb and chicken. It is super delicious. We got a great time with storytelling and bonding session. The day we went back to our school, everyone were so happy and tired. What’s shocking is Mr.John cried when we leave saying that he had a good time. Its very touching moment right there.

               I want to conclude that is was the best event I had ever joined. Everything is perfect and I love every activity.


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